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Secret peak - Remote Iceland /
Tindar & Gígar

  • A well kept secret, travel with us to the Second highest peak of the Hengill volcanic area, the second biggest volcanic are of Iceland. On our journey to the peak, you will witness old explosion craters, geothermal areas and untouched nature. From the peak you will be able to see steep down from both sides and a great view over other mountains, lakes, hotprings and glacier. This is one of our most favorite hikes and suits those who like a bit of an adventure and are not super scared of height.  


    Price for the tour, starting from Hveragerdi         
    1-4 pers.....       131.600 ISK total price
    5 pers or more..   32.900 ISK per pers
    • The tour is a private & tailor made to you, if you are traveling with a larger group, contact us and we can send you a price offer for your group   
    Extra service/Prices
    Pick up
    1-4 pers.....       20.000 ISK total price
    5 pers or more..   5.000 ISK per pers
    • Free pick up from Hveragerdi & nearest surroundings 
    Lunch bag.....     4.000 ISK per pers
    Local guide who knows the area and the best bathing spots.
    Light snacks (water and chocolate bar) 
    Extra gear that might be needed depending on the weather, spikes and more.
    Not included
    Lunch is not included, it is really important to have lunch for this tour. There is a bakery next door if you don´t bring with you. You can also request to have lunchbag included and waiting for you, when you arrive to our office
    What to bring
    Lunch, swimsuit, towel, back pack, rain jacked/pants, hat & gloves and warm layers 
    • If you don´t think you have warm enough equipment, let us know and we most likely have it, and can lend you :) 
    Difficulty level, 
    3 out of 5    -not good for people who are really scared of height    
    Hiking distance,
    10 km (6 miles)   
    5-7 hours
  • Þessi gönguferð er ein af okkar uppáhalds! Förum upp á einn af fáfarnari tindum á Hengilsvæðinu.
    Gengið er um lítt gengna stíga og slóða í þesssari ferð þar sem við skoðum fallega gíga og gil, ásamt því að njóta 360° útsýnis yfir einstæða náttúru og náttúrumyndanir. 
    Ath, ferðin er ekki fyrir þá sem eru rosalega lofthrædd.

    Allar okkar ferðir eru Private ferðir
    1-3 pers.............          131.600 kr. heildar verð
    4 pers eða flr. ........    32.900 kr. per pers
    Leiðsögumaður, fræðsla og falleg náttúra
    3 af 5 í erfiðleika stuðlinum
    Koma með:
    Nesti, Sundföt, handklæði, gönguskó, bakboka, auka vatnsflösku og góð föt, klæðnaður eftir veðri
    (gott að reikna með kaldara veðri í fjallinu)
    Ferðin tekur sirka 5-7 klst. og sirka 10 km löng
    Ferðin hefst frá Mánamörk 3-5 Hveragerði eða þar sem fólk óskar að við náum í það.